





Interesting Facts

Weather "flying" and "non-flying"

  We say: "Well, again, non-flying weather." And what is "non-flying"? And, in contrast, what is "flying"? Well, everything is clear from the flight. Flying weather - when aircraft can fly without danger to pilots and passengers.

What are low-costs, and what they are eaten with

  The word "low-cost" came to us recently from the English language, where low-cost literally means "for a small price." In practice, a low-cost airline is called a low-cost airline that saves literally on everything in order to offer passengers lower prices.

Underground cities of Cappadocia

  Meet another world-famous tourist gem: these are the multi-level underground cities in Turkish Cappadocia. This is a real mecca for lovers of secrets.

Credit card in a traveler's pocket

  All kinds of payment cards have long and firmly entered our lives. Debit and credit, payroll and settlement cards are different, but they are all designed to solve the same main task - to help their owner pay off.

This is the mysterious word tracking

  What is tracking? The tricky English word "trekking" corresponds to the simple Russian name "pedestrian tourism". Did you go camping at the dawn of your youth? This is what tracking is.

Treasures of Turkey: Catal Huyuk

The resorts that our compatriots love are far from all that Turkey is rich in . Since ancient times, people have settled in these parts, and each civilization left behind some kind of legacy, adding its own colors to the multicolor of modern Turkey . One of the most striking pearls in a Turkish necklace is Çatal Huyuk.
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